Q. Can I personalise my property ?
A. Yes, subject to agreement with the developer to ensure structural safety and aesthetic appearance. Requested changes and/or alterations can be finalised by the developers architect and must be received within 60 days of the customer receiving the full set of plans for the specific property. Trees, shrubs and flowers, which grow to a maximum height of 3 metres, can be planted in any quantity, anywhere on your property. However, the developer must agree in writing anything that can grow to a height above 3 metres. This also pertains to satellite dishes or other electronic equipment or structures of any kind.
Q. What sort of return can I expect if I choose to rent out my property when I am not in residence ?
A. The return for each night's rental should be approximately as follows:-

Spa Villas Holiday Rentals Long Term Rentals
Low season
(May - November)
US$ 300 US $ 2,000 / month
High season
(Dec - April)
US$ 550 US $ 2,500 / month
Peak season
(Dec 20th - Jan 5th)
US$ 650 US $ 3,000 / month
Rentals will be generated through our brokerage arm, Blaauw & Nassau Ltd. and through enquiries to our estate management office, as well as from travel operators and by individual owners. When all the spa villas have been sold,our web site will be used exclusively to generate interest for property rentals
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